Journals & Presses
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is home to a number of academic journals, presses, and publications as part of its longstanding and distinguished publishing tradition.
Memorial University Press
Renamed to Memorial University Press in 2021, ISER books was established in 1961 as the publishing arm of the Institute of Social and Economic Research ( Its mandate remains fostering social and economic research deemed of relevance to Newfoundland and Labrador and the broader Atlantic world.
Archive Publications
MUN Folklore and Languages
MUN Folklore and Language Publications publishes significant works on folkloristics, especially those relevant to Newfoundland and Labrador.
Maritime History
The Maritime History Archives publishes valuable and highly desirable historical and genealogical information in the form of fully-searchable databases of births, deaths and marriages in Newfoundland newspapers, and of ships and seafarers of Atlantic Canada, for example.
The Faculty if Humanities and Social Sciences is also integrally involved in publishing and editing journals, serving on editorial boards, and editing book series. Humanities and Social Sciences faculty also produce open-access journals which are largely hosted at the Queen Elizabeth II Library.
Analecta Hermeneutica
Analecta Hermeneutica is the annual refereed journal of the International Institute for Hermeneutics (IIH). It provides an intellectual forum for interdisciplinary, inter-religious, and international hermeneutic research. The journal publishes research in the form of articles, reviews, and other scholarly contributions in all hermeneutically related fields, with a particular focus on philosophy, theology, and comparative literature. We invite scholars from various linguistic communities to contribute innovative and critical articles to the hermeneutic conversation. Submissions are by invitation only and are subject to peer review.
At the Edge
At the Edge is a peer-reviewed, open access online journal that showcases the work of emerging scholars, particularly in the fields of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century literature and culture, or on Romanticism very broadly defined. At the Edge welcomes submissions from a wide variety of critical, theoretical, and interdisciplinary perspectives. In addition to essays that take more traditional approaches to literary and cultural research and writing, we strongly encourage innovative and creative forms of scholarly engagement that expand the genre of academic writing to reflect the changes and possibilities of publishing in a digital environment.
Kabiri is a peer-reviewed, invitation only, open-access venue for new work on Schelling and Schelling related scholarship in English which appears once a year.
Journal of the Classical Association of Canada - Revue de la Societé canadienne des études classiques
Mouseion aims to be a distinctively comprehensive Canadian journal of Classical Studies, publishing articles and reviews in both French and English. One issue annually is normally devoted to archaeological topics, including field reports, finds analysis, and the history of art in antiquity. The other two issues welcome work in all areas of interest to scholars; this includes both traditional and innovative research in philology, history, philosophy, pedagogy, and reception studies, as well as original work in and translations into Greek and Latin.
North Atlantic Archaeology Journal
North Atlantic Archaeology is a journal dedicated to publishing archaeological research articles and preliminary reports focusing on, or related to, the archaeology of the North Atlantic region. This geographical loci includes the north-east coast of North America, the Arctic, Greenland, and north-west coastal Europe.
Regional Language Studies…Newfoundland
The periodical Regional Language Studies…Newfoundland (RLS) has been supported by the English Department, at times jointly with the Folklore Department, since 1968. Its original aims have been maintained and developed since then: to spread information about all aspects of linguistics, to print bibliographies, especially to present articles on regional vocabulary and meanings, and to examine place and family names. RLS welcomes submissions from academics, students, and others on topics relating to Newfoundland languages. Articles on non-English language topics in the Newfoundland and Labrador context are also encouraged.
The Journal of Newfoundland and Labrador Studies
Humanities and Social Sciences faculty members figure heavily in the editorial board of The Journal of Newfoundland and Labrador Studies (formerly, The Journal of Newfoundland Studies), which is devoted to publishing about the society and culture of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Occassional & Student Publications
Buried Text: Publications in History and Archaeology
Mapping Politics
An annual peer-reviewed journal produced by students in the Political Science department.
An interdisciplinary journal published through the Department of English Language and Literature.