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Reducing small-scale fisheries vulnerability and strengthen capacity to achieve viability, food security and sustainability

Blue Justice Alert aims to highlight the potential threats and opportunities that the Blue Growth/Economy brings to SSF globally. The project is envisioned as an interactive, web-based, mobile platform connecting experts, practitioners and SSF people. The platform will be developed based on the co-production of knowledge between researchers and SSF people, allowing monitoring and evaluation of SSF status. SSF communities can also use it to register crises or threats to rights and livelihoods and seek help from experts and practitioners connected to the platform. The platform will be build upon TBTI information System on Small-scale Fisheries (ISSF), which is a first interactive global repository of SSF knowledge. Platform development and pilot testing will occur in Bangladesh, South Africa, and Mexico.

Additional Researchers outside the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

For more see http://toobigtoignore.net/blue-justice-alert-project/